How Will I Know?


Sååå..... Mycket har hänt sen "sist". Mycket har hänt, FORT, sen "sist".
Till exempel så har jag bytt skola/program/linje/inriktning whatever.
Det blev bestämt i FREDAGS medans jag låg och halv-sov.
Vet inte riktigt vad jag tycker om det hela... än.

Denna vecka är resursvecka vilket, om du frågar mig, verkar vara helt "lalligt".
MEN det är dock väldigt skönt att få en soft start och smälta allt innan the hardcore stuff börjar,
känns ju bra att lärarna är väldigt supportive och encouraging [Not]...

Resursvecka schema (ungefärligt)

måndag: tipspromenad, latinordspråksfrågor, rast, latin-film, spanska film, flamenco film, franska film, LUNCH, 3                 TIMMAR lång Odysseus film!! (som jag förövrigt redan sett på mytologin i USA...)

tisdag: LEDIG. Måste plugga español till prov. Kanske träffa engelskalärarinnan Malin... whoppie. hoppas hon är någorlunda...chill och inte lika spasm-ig som andra lärare....

onsdag: börjar 10 med spanska prov då, föreläsning om förintelsen, LUNCH, Matte.... (tror jag)

torsdag: Nationella prov... my timing is undeniably good... haha. som tur var är dom i ENGELSKA, pheew.

fredag: LEDIG. wow. igen. jag vet. incredible.

Sen mina damer och herrar är det något som klingar så underbart i så många stackars utslitna gymnasie-elevs öron (och andra elever med då såklart...) nämligen SPORTLOV. Ett av mina favoritord. Without a doubt.
Känns som detta år har fram tills nu segat sig fram. Hoppas det bättrar på sig!

För att återgå till själva grejen att jag har bytt skola kan det ju nämnas att min älskade älsklings lägenhet kommer att säljas, och mor och far kommer att under sportlovsveckan att bli utkastade av moi så att jag kan överta deras rum... Trots allt detta, plus the fact att jag ju fick hoppa in i en tvåa, borde ju ses som två stora steg kliv framåt mot det jag skrev i tidigare inlägg. Trots det så är jag, som vanligt, väldigt bekymrad om jag gjorde rätt.. Vilket jag säkert inte gjorde, som vanligt igen. Mycket tankar rör sig i min hjärnglob som vanligt. Men detta börjar bli på tok för långt för mitt eget bästa så resten av tankarna/bekymren behåller jag för mig själv. GAH, jag exploderar! Borde köpa mig en DAGBOK eller nåt. UGH.

It's so amazing almost crazy how
I'm thinkin bout you lately
Tell me how in the world did it come to this
It took me by surprise
When you opened my eyes
To hopefully show me what love is

How will I know
Could it be the butterflies I feel whenever I'm with you
How will I know
Or the way I'm at a loss of words I can hardly keep my cool
How will I know
Everyday now stop stop stop I keep thinkin bout you
How will I know I'm in love
-Keke Palmer

Godnatt. (eller som jag inom en snar framtid då jag läser franska kommer att säga...) Bonne nuit!

Au Revoir. Auf wiederzien.
(fantastiskt misstavat men det bjuder jag på...:])

[I still think about that boy. The one I'm not supposed to think about... He's often on my mind. How do I make it stop? I don't think I want it to stop. He's so amazing. I miss him. He's forgotten all about me....... My life in a nutshell..]

i've got to move on and be who i am, i just don't belong here; i hope you understand.


känner mig besynnerligt... tom. tror jag.
dagen har bestått av plugg, gym, übersnabb shoppingspree, tågresa tillbaka till Bollnäs, film, choklad och fralla.

har alltså rejält med plugg, som jag varken kan eller vill göra.
skulle mer eller mindre göra VAD SOM HELST för att får byta gymnasium fast ändå gå kvar i tvåan.
vill ju ändå gå ut nästa år så man kan dra ut i världen i stället för att vara så här uppbunden till ett ställe,
vet inte vad jag ska ta mig till riktigt...

har ju gymmat idag i alla fall. och det känns ju bra. var faktiskt riktigt duktig, gjorde både steppen, löpning och styrka. wow. kom på när jag sprang och flåsade/svettades på löparbandet hur enormt mycket jag hatar folk som ser perfekta ut på gymmet! OBVIOUSLY så tränar alla ni alldeles på tok för lite/slappt. Skärpning! Svettas!

fick även lite nya kläder. YAY :] jeans och en cardigan från Gina. älskar den affären för tillfället. samt H&M då såklart. köpte också superbilliga skor! 100 spänn... tänker inte berätta vart. det är min lilla hemlis. :]

ett annat av mina obsessions är 50-tals musik! fantastiskt. vilka musikaliska genier! de kan sjunga om "mash potatoes" eller "mr.postman" och ändå låter det underbart, vackert och charmigt! typiskt att man ska vara född i fel årtionde. Fast å andra sidan fick ju inte dom uppleva Harry Potter-hysterin när de var unga... tough choise... haha.

"ah honey, oh sugar sugar! you are my candy giiirl (or boy in my case :]) and you got me wanting you!"
"wait mr.postman! please look and see, is there a letter in your bag for me?"
klockan springer. skola imorgon (VILL INTE, VILL INTE, VILL INTE!!!). måste kasta mig in i the dusch sen the säng.
låter skönt.

önskar jag var klar med allt och fick "go my own way" och göra vad jag verkligen vill och "be who i am". därför att "i just don't belong here" jag hoppas du förstår. där med har vi dagens blogg titel.

jaja, på återseende!

au revoir.

Your kisses are wasted on me.


i dag är det måndag. ja, det är sant, lovet är officiellt slut.
vart tog tiden vägen?
jag vet då inte jag.

imorgon är det alltså TISDAG och skolan börjar.
8 o'clock sharp. biology.
am i not the luckiest kid ever... not really...
vet inte ens vad jag har för lektioner efter det.
slutar 16.00 iaf, hmmmm...

sitter nu och laddar inför morgondagen,
passionsfrukt/jordgubbs-yoghurt med linfrön, yum!
kryddat med lite CSI: Miami samt bloggande.
sitter och funderar på om jag har någon läxa som jag glömt att göra... troligen.

idag har jag haft 'samtal' med mor, Ylva och SYOn.
inte särskillt givande för min del,
finns inget val för mig annat än och förtsätta samma linje.
om jag inte vill börja 1an till hösten då. -inte särskillt troligt.

ska man bli psykolog behöver man 20.0 tror jag... kommer bli svårt, är ju inte alls motiverad.

ska äta upp och duscha.

au revoir.

your kisses are wasted on me
Can you see we're through?
I don't love you, you don't make me smile
For a while
Get out of my face
I'm gonna get to chase some other guy
Who I might like

And you might cry for some time
(And you don't know it, no you don't know it)
And you might try to hold my hand again
(no, you don't know it)
Your kisses are wasted on me!
-the pipettes

i was only seventeen..


ja, då var det 2008 då. och januari. igen.
Gott nytt år (och God, sen, Jul också för den delen) till alla.
känns som om det kommer bli ett relativt bra år faktiskt. eller jag håller tummarna på att det blir det i alla fall.

har ju inte skrivit på länge nu...
men just idag kände jag att jag var tvungen att skriva av mig lite, och därmed hittade jag hit igen.
det efterlängtade jullovet har hunnit komma och nästan också ta slut, men bara nästan.
det har hittills präglats av mat, traditionell jul med mormor och morfar till skillnad mot förra året, ännu mer mat, mellandags middagar, mellandags rea, nyår med andra halvan av släkten och annat trevligt. och otrevligt.
fasar nu för den allt närmre smygande skolstarten. får se hur det blir med allt....[no need for details]

har avgett nyårslöften som jag hoppas kunna hålla, men som alla andra troligen kommer att bryta inom kort.
jag kan sammanfatta mina nyårslöften med att säga; jag ska försöka fixa allting med mitt nuvarande liv som jag, inte trivs med / inte gillar /  förstår att jag inte kan fortsätta göra. Samt ska jag försöka göra saker bara för mig själv, samt uppfylla mina drömmar. låter cheesy men, tro mig, det är absolut nödvändigt. så jag ska göra mitt bästa.
har sökt sommarjobb till och börja med, vilket ju kan hjälpa en hel del när man vill mycket men har lite för lite pengar för de sakerna för tillfället..

detta är mitt första inlägg med min nya dator som tomten så snällt lämnat under just min gran den här julen, är faktiskt redan väldigt fäst vid den! :]

Saknar för tillfället mina 'companions in crime' (utan crime egentligen:]) från det stora härliga Amerikattt.
very much actually, to be very openly honest with you.

Suck, vill komma ut i världen. 12 års mandatory skolgång är ju helt knäppt. 
 - plus att de dessutom kräver mer eller mindre att man ska kunna veta allt tjafs om onödiga strunt saker vid en ålder som, när det gäller andra saker, knappt duger till något alls. ursäkta, men i cannot deal with this right now, thank you! 

18-års dagen närmar sig tack och lov med storm steg (eller?) och förhoppningsvis har saker och ting rett ut sig någorlunda tills dess... det kommer bli faaaantastiskt. kanske. hoppas jag på i alla fall..

nu har detta inlägg gått och blivit på tok (för)långt. skulle väl behöva få en blund eller två i ögat innan klockan ringer för tidig frukost för att sedan kunna gå och gymma i morgon förmiddag.
för ja, jag har dragit mig iväg till gymmet ett antal gången detta lov faktiskt. bra gjort amanda!

nädu, ska gå och hälsa på john blund (för hoppningsvis)  en stund.

i was only seventeen. (well, nu är ju jag bara 17, men ändå passar den här låten in på mig skulle jag påstå!)

I was only trying to keep the walls from closing in
I was only waiting 'round for something to begin
I was only seventeen
I told you that it didn't mean a thing

Feels like a million years ago
Small town where everybody knows
Everything about everybody else
Way back when there wasn't you and me
I guess I was still naive
And the moment was as far as I could see
I was only trying to keep the walls from closing in
I was only waiting 'round for something to begin
I was only seventeen
I told you that it didn't mean a thing
Why can't you just love me
Please don't push too hard
The truth you think you're after
Might just break your heart

Someone who I thought was my friend
But sometimes people just pretend
And I would never be the same again

I'm sure there are things you would rather keep inside
I won't ask you about all the things you've tried
Don't let yesterday get in the way
Why can't we just start from where we are
-the beu sisters

au revoir and un bueno noche to all.

our song


har haft en relativt bra dag
var uppe och läste klart Ondskan tills 3 imorse.
jösses vad slut man var när klockan ringde 6 då!

hade somsagt essä skrivning på Ondskan idag och fan om det
inte gick bra. Då blir jag ju stortokig.

det gick bra på teatern idag i alla fall.
vi spikade sista repetitionen på "Carl von Linné vem var det, vem var det?"
fan vad bra det kändes. alla improviserade galet mycket och vi bestämde oss
för att improvisera in lite skämt. vart kalas till slut!
efter det var det "IB fika". fattar inte varför men man fick en klubba, en bulle och saft
gratis så inte tänker jag klaga inte ! :]

har förövrigt haft en tråkig, men dock läxfri dag med en liten tripp till ICA för att köpa
mjölk som... hm.. ska man säga höjdpunkt? nej det kan man ju inte.

förstår inte vad jag har för allvarligt problem med att komma i sängs. helt hopplös.
är inte trött helt enkelt.

jag vill träna!!

44 dagar tills jullovet!
yay! cant wait.

otroligt att jag lyckades knapra ihop ett helt inlägg bara på svenska. fantastiskt.

au revoir

ps. det har snöat hela dan!

"i was riding shot gun with my hair undone in the frontseat of his car,
he's got a one hand feel on the steeringwheel, the other on my heart.
i look around turn the radio down, he says "baby, is something wrong?"
i say nothing, i was just thinking how we don't have a song!
and he says...

our song is the slammin' screendoor, sneakin' out late tappin' on your window,
when we're on the phone and you talk real slow 'cause it's late and your mama don't know.
our song is the way you laugh, the first date "man i didn't kiss her and i should have"...
and when i got home, 'fore i said amen, asking God if he, can play it again.

i was walkin' up the front porch steps after everything that day had gone all wrong
i'd been trampled on and lost and thrown away. got to the hallway, well on my way to my
loving bed, i almost didn't notice all the roses and the note that said..."
-taylor swift (our song)

[[you make me so]] HOT

Once again it is WAY past my original bedtime.
It is going to be tough, real tough, to get up in the morning.

I have a lot to think about, thats why i find it way hard to go to sleep.
Plus its so fudge-ing stressful to have all the homework i do, and not having time to do it.

Homework for the break was;
writing commentary (comparing and contrasting) two articles for english class
finish reading Ondskan for swedish
finish reading Educating Rita for english
read some book about some tribe in papa new guinea for anthropology
read antoher book for english
hopefully that's all.. but still enough since i havent started half of those things...
man i hate school so badly.

mommy and i went to get our eyebrows done today. 
it hurt like crap to be honest with y'all. 
but hey the result was great so thats good.
while i was waiting for mom, she went first, this husband to one of the
spa ladies came in with their baby son called Olle. he was so cute.
and he really liked me. he wanted me to lift him up, so i did. 
he sat on my lap and ruined the magazine i held. it was hilarious.
so so cute.
when i came out another guy, my age, was sitting there.. 
i was very surprised to be honest, i mean how many guys my age
goes to spa's? he was cute.. and i really liked the way he looked at me. 
hm. i wonder if i'll see him again..? hopefully.

La familia is going down to la capital tomorrow,
it'll be fun.. hopefully.
then tomorrow night we have the hostess course AGAIN.
then friday my sweet cousin's 18th b-day party. (her b-day's tomorrow really)
or wait. its today (technically since its LATE, i should text her!)
after her party im going to another party. it'll be hella fun.
i hope. cause it costs me a fucking fortune. lol.

well..... im sleepy. very sleepy.... ZzzzZZzz

auf.. zzZZz.. whiederzien (so badly spelled) 

"I wanna lock you up in my closet, where no one's around
I wanna put your hand in my pocket, because you're allowed
I wanna drive you into the corner, and kiss you without a sound
I wanna stay this way forever, I'll say it loud
Now you're in and can't get out

You make me so hot
Make me wanna drop
You're so ridiculous
I can barely stop
I can hardly breathe
You make me wanna scream
You're so fabulous
You're so good to me, baby, baby"

p.s. i hate this computer, it is SLOWER than idk what.

Stay Beautiful


I have been looking forward and counting down ever since i started school.
Yay. Now its here.

AND soon it will be christmas, how very fudge-ing exciting.

I want to go to London, twice.
Once when its jammed with people right before X-mas and then in january,
for my grannys birthday. OMG. this will be fudge-ing amazing!
No joke.

I still havent gotten an answer from the person to whom i sent
a certain something. I hope i will get a positive answer SOON!
That would TOTALLY make my day/week/year/life.  :]

My cousin spent the night last night. It was fun.. She's awesome
we went to our "museum hostess" course thing. then to my house
we watched high school musical 2 on disney chanel
Then we ATE. muaha. and DANCED. man. good times. home videos too.

ALSO we got to turn the clock back an hour this morning so that it was 11 and not 12 when we woke up.
we felt really good about getting up on time haha.
so we didnt feel bad at all when we watched E!  (Girls of the Playboy mansion lol) and ate breakfast
until LATE. 

Me and Anton(io) went for a walk in the forrest behind my house today. it was refreshing.

AND i went for a drive. it was scary to be honest. my 1st time on a "big road"
hey, i didnt crash the car, so it went pretty good i have to say.

tuesday, maybe going to MADDE. i miss her.
thursday, cousin turns 18, i have my course.
friday, PARTAYYYY.
and one day this week i might go on a cruise. YAYers.

i also have to read tons of books for school but obviously im ignoring that.  

i'm making alot of plans at the moment and therefor i'm writing here to try to
clear my head so i can fall asleep. idk yet if it's working.. i feel sort of stressed.
and im in my bed and its all soft and inviting.. but im not ready yet. haha.
kate nash's on the ipod. really good. (mouthwash)

tomorrow's another day.

gonna get up bright and early, call granny and ask if i can come out so that
she can help me. i want a perm. wohoo.
mom says that im never pleased with how i look and i always need to change.
im thinking she's right. but i like change,
change is good.

Stay beautiful

"Cory's eyes are like a jungle
he smiles its like the radio
he whispers songs into my window
in words that nobody knows
There's pretty girls on every corner
That watch him as he's walking home
Saying, does he know
Will you ever know

You're beautiful
Every little piece, love, don't you know
You're really gonna be someone, ask anyone
When you find everything you looked for
I hope your life leads you back to my door
Oh but if it don't, stay beautiful

Cory finds another way to be
The highlight of my day
I'm taking pictures in my mind
So I can save them for a rainy day
It's hard to make conversation
When he's taking my breath away
I should say, hey by the way...

You're beautiful
Every little piece, love, don't you know
You're really gonna be someone, ask anyone
When you find everything you looked for
I hope your life leads you back to my door
Oh but if it don't, stay beautiful

If you and I are a story
that never gets told
if what you are is a daydream
I'll never get to hold, at least you'll know

You're beautiful
Every little piece, love, and don't you know
You're really gonna be someone, ask anyone
When you find everything you looked for
I hope your life leads you back to my front door
Oh but if you don't, will you stay beautiful?"
-taylor swift

i couldnt just pick a part. its a great song.
au revoir for now.

Between each smile there's a tear in your eye

guten tag

thursday afternoon.
2 hours of school left tomorrow before the break!
i cannot wait. seriously.
it going to be BOMB! :]
in a half hour i have laundry time...
3 hours of laundry time. exciting much...?


i have been doing laundry from 4pm to 8.40 pm.
 MAN that sucked. everything just screwed up.

im hungry. i think. i might eat something.

i've had so much homework this week and also a biology test today.
once again. screwed up.
sucky day over all actually. good thing its just one day left until
im excited.

called parents to tell them about my sucky day,
they dont get it. what was i thinking...
made me mad.

"and i cant tell if you're laughing
between each smile theres a tear in your eye
theres a train leaving town in an hour
its not waiting for you and neither am i"
 -rise against 'paper wings'

i'm tellin ya, if i could i would leave town in an hour.
i need to get away somewhere for a while...
hopefully what i want , and also trying to get, will happen SOON.


im watching skins, its a really good show..

i dont know what to do.....................................

there's a train leaving town in an hour,
its not waiting for you.. and neither am i.

yours truly

And counting...


12 days until FALL BREAK
68 days until CHRISTMAS BREAK
47 days until "CHRISTMAS CALENDAR" starts (julkalendern ¢¾ )
30+31+16+31+29+31+13=181 days until MY 18th BIRTHDAY!!
[exactly 6 months yesterday!!]

im excited for the breaks.
and christmas ¢¾

Seventeen Ain't so Sweet


så var det söndag kväll/natt igen.
tycker bara det är måndag-fredag-söndagkväll..
har varit och köpt skor, en jacka och en mössa idag.
trevligt trevligt, alltid roligt att shoppa nytt. (och ibland även 2nd hand :])
har även äntligen kunnat använda mina svarta bralls från Gina nu!
efter den tuffa;
köpa byxor-åka till bollnäs-upptäcka hål i byxor-ta med byxor hem igen-byta byxor-ta med dom till bollnäs igen-upptäcka att larm sitter kvar i byxor-ta med dom hem IGEN-byta dom IGEN-få 150:- presentkort för sveda och verk haha-äntligen kunna använad byxor! (en 3 veckors period) :] ha

har ju varit en relativt trevlig helg måste jag medge.
i fredags var jag och TYboni hos Lina med Leo  och kollade på film; the fountain 
lördag var jag TYboni och Lina hos Carro och hade trevligt,
Sanne and Gabby joined us later on.

its been a generally sucky week, failed the math test (no surprise there, i knew i would)
we had tons of long ass breaks since we didn't have theater..
i also got locked out from my biology class since i was a couple of minutes late.
stupid bitch, im gonna curb stopm her. haha (rachel you're my hero)
i also overslept one day so i missed my entire swedish class.
and i was late more or less everyday except friday.
but its really not my fault that im a very tired person and i have major problems
getting up in the morning. im not a morning person ok!?

I've noticed how much i miss certain people. like all my friends in the US, Karin, Matilda, old gymnastics friends,
old class mates from elementary and IESG... its insane.

i have so much energy when im back home with the family and good ol' friends,
but where tf does that energy go when i get back here?
this place suck it right outta me. ugh.

17 [[certainaly]] ain't so sweet.

You are the music in me

So.. this weekend was long and good, but obviously, as usual, not nearly long enough.
I went home on thursday so that i would have friday off since we only had 1 class...
So on friday, dedicated as i am (haha), i woke up early to come with my brother to school.
And let me tell ya, IESG has changed somewhat a lot since i went there 2 years (!) ago...
But it was fun still. Or interesting i suppose, to see how kids today act hahaha. just kidding.

Friday night i watched High School Musical 2, i really liked it. 
Im a sucker for those kind of movies.. : ]

Saturday i slept.. and slept... since Anton and i were home alone i could sleep longer! yay.
but that night i went to the musical "Det händer nu" with Lina, Carro and Cia. I liked that one too
they had done a really good job. (And there was a really cute guy in it : D)

Sunday i watched the sneak premiere of Ratatouille with Carro and my family thanks to my dad's work.
It was pretty funny.. good animation.

And yea i went back here on sunday night... i had changed my pants from Gina (since they had a hole in them, 
i got another pair) before i left... and monday morning when i was gonna put them on i see that the person who works there had FORGOTTEN to take the little... thing that protects the clothes from getting stolen or whatev. and i was like WTF!! so now i have to go back in there and have her take it off... stuff like this makes me so mad.

School again this week of course... today i was late to biology and my stupid ass teacher locked me out.
she's such a bitch. Then after that we found out that my theater teacher was sick so we didnt have theater....
therefor i had a 4 hour break, from 9-13. 
And now i have HOMEWORK. Anthropology q's and a math test tomorrow...
Oral presentation on Strindberg on thursday for swedish class.. : S

Im gonna hit the shower now...
AND i just watched the news and on the weather they said that its going to SNOW on thursday!
I wonder if they're right.........

i wish i knew the cute guy from the musical : ]
"You Are The Music In ME" 



The Weakness in me

Yay, i'm so happy!
i finally figured out how to get my iPod to work again!
And i did it with out any help from some "apple support" help line or whatever.
feels really good to finally be able to get some new songs on it..
even tho i lost all the old songs and pictures... :[
but i'm still happy :]

on the other hand, its sunday NIGHT and the thought of having to get up in....
like 4½ hours don't sound so tempting...
i dont understand why my school can't have the day off tomorrow too...
makes me mad. ruins the whole good mood from having my iPod working again...

i'm listening to christmas songs right now..
micheal jackson as a kid singing "i saw mommy kissing santa clause"
gotta love The Jackson Five.
"oh what a laugh it would've been, if daddy had only seen, mommy kissing santa clause last night,
then i saw mommy tickle santa clause"
"i did, i really did see mommy kissing santa clause, and i'm gonna tell my daddy!"
hahaha fun stuff..

other fun stuff this week i must say is that i don't have ANY math, like.... at ALL.
i looove that.
plus on friday i'm planning on being "sick"
so if anyone wanna hangout...? haha
i'm gonna be going home on thursday.

i think i need to go to bed... i don't know how much my neighbors will appreciate me singing "santa baby" at 3am.....
and i KNOW that my mother won't like it haha.

So i'll just write another day. My iPod is sync.d. now too soooo. yay.


Big girls dont cry

So i just got back to the apartment a couple of hours ago and now i'm watching Foo Fighters "The Pretender" music video on MTV..
Mom and dad drove me up here and my aunt, uncle and cousin went with us to look and my apartment and such.. very nice indeed.
We put up my new kitchen table and my chairs. So now i have a table even tho i dont think i'll use it lol.
I've eaten all my candy that me and mollie bought for the movie "The Last King of Scotland" that we saw on thursday (it was, by-the-way, a very good movie).
I should be getting to bed since tomorrow is a schoolday, again, but i'm simply not in the mood for neither going to bed or going to school tomorrow....

I'm still watching MTV and they actually play pretty good music now.. which is good cause bad music would put me in a very bad mood. I dont know why i'm so down right now. i just feel displaced and lost, that's probably why, it feels like i've out-grown more than my jeans lol. Plus i'm sick. bohooo. lol.

homework for tomorrow?
-most likey
have i done it?
-most likely not.

Fergie's on. "Big girls dont cry". Sure they dont.
I'm cold. My bed sounds tempting right now.
So does England, US and Austalia and several other countries.
Just not this little..... #*½"!"%&¤#% place.

"Fairytales dont always have a happy ending do they?"
"Yes you can hold my hand if you want to, cause i want to hold yours too"
"big girls dont cry" .....

Weekends are for warriors

I want that DKNY 'Be Delicious' perfume SO badly.
I've seen the commercial for it like 10 times today and it makes me want it even more! ROAR.

Today, and yesterday, and the day before, i have been sick.
My throat is officially killing me, and so is my head. Yay.

What i would need is GYMNASTICS.
I know it's really time consuming and you cant have a life and all of that,
but seriously, i dont have one here anyways. Lol.
So i've watched 'Stick It' tonight again, it makes me wanna go to the gym.
RIGHT NOW, but wait, there ARE no gyms around here, AND
i'm stuck in this 1 room apartment since it's so late.
This really sucks.

Well my movie number 2 just ended ('10 things I hate about you')

I just needed to get some of that gymnastics stuff out. Sorry.

I cant cough properly, it's like stuck in my throat. Kills me. Especially since it's
giving me a headache too.......................................

Yayers. Boys are trouble.

Peace out.

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